

Linda is one of Canada’s leading workshop clinicians, and brings more than 40 years of experience to her broad range of pedagogical workshops

Composition Anyone?

As a piano teacher, Ms. Kundert has produced many successful composers. This talk will encourage and inspire teachers to help their own students with composition, even if neither has ever tried it before.

Motivating Motivation

This presentation will motivate you and your students toward improved practise and production.  Ideas that come from students themselves, mixed with motivational quotes and actual examples with practical advice, will inspire you to motivate others!

Pathways to Success: Student Progress Through Practical Examinations

As a Royal Conservatory of Music Examiner and Teacher of Distinction with over 40 years of teaching experience, Ms. Kundert will share her experience with others. This workshop will cover all of the sections in an exam, with tips on how to produce high marks with piano students.

Style and Interpretation of Canadian Piano Music

Ms. Kundert will demonstrate and direct a discussion of Canadian music for students into ten different categories.  Teachers will become more aware of the repertoire available for the RCM exam and Contemporary Showcase syllabi, and will be stimulated to think about the style of music to which their favorite pieces belong.

Mock Exam and Master Class Marathon

This is a full day workshop, which will cover all RCM exam levels through a combination of mock exams and master classes for small groups of students.  Students at the same grade will be grouped together.  All aspects of the exam will be covered in detail throughout the day.

Accompanying and Ensemble Collaboration

Tips on the art of accompanying voice, strings and brass will be compared with accompanying concertos.  Two-piano artistry will be compared with duet playing skills. This session may be combined with an ensemble master class.

Transfer Students:  Suggestions for a “Smooth Modulation” into Your Class

This presentation is a ”how to” session full of practical ideas for developing well-rounded musicians from students coming from other teachers.  I was one of THOSE!

Teaching Music:  “Getting Started on the Right Foot!”

“The first teacher is the most important teacher!” Here are ideas to help young teachers to create exceptional young musicians.  This talk will include exercises and tips for the first two years of lessons.

Sight Reading, Ear Training, Tone and Technique

In this half-day workshop, Ms. Kundert will discuss ways for pianists to improve sight-reading, ear, tone and technique.  Sight-reading handouts, technique fingering charts and an interactive session, will help students to develop consistent habits through fingering patterns. 

Go For Your Dreams

It is never too late to go for our dreams. Do what it takes to achieve success for yourself and your students so that you become the teacher that develops musicians and future teachers, without borders.

In the Trenches: Three Classic Challenges for Piano Teachers (Full-day workshop)

Ms. Kundert draws from over 40 years of experience. She will share some of her favorite teaching exercises, along with many tips for success with three types of students: the beginner, the new to you, and the advanced. Whether you are a new teacher or an experienced one, there will be helpful reminders and food for thought for everyone.

1) Getting Started on the Right Foot!
The beginning is the most important stage in a student’s musical journey. Let’s be sure to set high expectations for them. Some points will be presented as if a candidate were in an ARCT viva voce exam.

2) Transfer Students: Developing a Smooth Modulation Into Your Class
To teach other teacher’s students may be a trial, but these students are often a blessing because they usually listen and appreciate what they are learning: fresh ideas for practise, memorization tips, or technical insights. They can and will respond – over time!

3) Artistic Development of Senior Students
In this segment, Ms. Kundert will continue with practise tips for upper level performance preparation, with an emphasis on style.
This is a half-day workshop, or a full-day workshop with a Master Class.

workshop reviews

"Very well done today. I heard many comments of "I've learned so much today..." and "I've learned so many new things..." as I left the building. Good stuff."
-Janice Dahlberg

"It was a pleasure to be there. Thank you for such an excellent workshop. I appreciated (that you) provided handouts and created such a comfortable and enthusiastic atmosphere."
-Alicia Romero

"Hi Linda - just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your workshop this morning.  Although you had mentioned most of that over the course of the past few years, it all came together and made sense - you are an excellent presenter!  Thank you for your inspiration."
-Alison Crabb

"If I must be honest, I thought your workshop was one of the best I have been to for several reasons:
a. You showed such a desire to share your knowledge freely;
b. You spoke to us in a conversational tone rather than lectured us, and involved us in your demonstrations;
c. You made us feel that our issues and problems were important to you and you gave practical ways to deal with them;
d.  We came away inspired and wanting to put new ideas into operation;
e.  We had many good laughs as you were very humorous, and so we all enjoyed ourselves as well as feeling we were learning;
f. This was an extremely well-prepared workshop from someone who has had a great deal of experience, and who genuinely loves to help piano teachers develop their skills."
-Laurainne Williams

Here it is May and I have been using the wonderful tips and ideas you gave at the APTA  February Session ever since. To mention a few, my students have loved the composing and I must admit that some of them have really surprised me. The "GIG" books are a real hit and you should see some of the creative covers. The towel over the hands and the cleaning bag for strengthening the fingers have been real helps with some of my students as well. I can't thank you enough for such an informative morning! Your discipline, kindness and genuine love of  music and teaching are an inspiration. Thank you again, "From the Trenches."
-Wendy Wells